Therapy can be expensive and money is often a sensitive issue. We are committed to creating a caring and brave space to talk openly about money and the challenging feelings associated with it.

The exact fees for each therapist are listed on their profile page. If your financial situation permits, we encourage you to pay the full fees. This allows us to offer a sliding scale fee to those who face barriers to therapy.

Fees & Insurance

We are out-of-network with all insurances. That means that we are not an in-network provider with any insurance. We decided to remain out-of-network because insurance companies severely limit the type of care we can give you, and we want to be the best therapists for you. In order to do so, we believe it is vital to have the freedom to tailor the therapeutic experience to your unique needs. If your health insurance plan includes out-of-network coverage for mental health services, you might still be partially or fully reimbursed. We recognize that insurance can be confusing, so we invite you to contact us and we’ll gladly support you through this process.

Please ask your therapist what methods of payment they accept.

As part of our commitment to equitable access to therapy, we offer several reduced fee slots. In filling these slots, we prioritize clients with multiple minoritized identities that otherwise won’t be able to access therapy. This includes, but is not limited to those who identify as: BIPOC, LGBQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual), Trans, non-binary, gender-creative, BDSM/Kink, Poly/CNM, Sex worker, Fat, Living with a mental or physical disability, Immigrant/undocumented, Experienced housing instability, Involved in the foster care system, Minor-attracted person.

Minimum fees are calculated based on operating costs and ensuring a fair wage for our therapists. If you would like to be considered for our sliding scale fee slots, please fill out the confidential form. We'll email you once a spot becomes available.

Sliding Scale Fee Form